iBeacon technology together with clever app solutions
appybeacons PLUS
The stylish appybeacons hardware
Uncomplicated beacon-Management for assigning features, categories and content
PLUS a stable Content Management System to administer your information und campaign
PLUS a comprehensive Standard Template Set for the quick fundamental creation of your App
appybeacons work
By a proprietary Protokoll-Standard based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
For the newest iOS 7 and Android Version 4.3 Standards, that are available beginning with the iPhone 4S, iPad 3 and iPod 5 and current android devices
Principally based on a transmitter – receiver model. Small transmitters (Beacons) are placed as signal mediators, that emit signals at periodically defined time intervals
appybeacons open new possibilities per Push directly to your App (appyvenues Technologie)
Direct opening of product information at the Point of Sale (POS)
Visitors guideance
Evaluate the success of your campaign by duration of stay, return rate etc.
Optimise your Store, product placement etc
Actively profit from new knowledge of consumer behaviour and feedback.